Northfields Travel Clinic


Travel Vaccine Price List

Our Northfields Travel Clinic offers competitive pricing for a wide range of travel vaccines to ensure your health and safety during your travels. Below is our detailed price list for each vaccine:

Vaccine Brand Doses Required Price
Cholera Dukoral 1 £85
Diptheria / Tetanus / Polio Revaxis 1 £25
Hepatitis A Havrix Monodose 2 £40
Hepatitis B Energix B 4 £30
Japanese Encephalitis Ixiaro 2 £120
Meningococcal Nimenrix 1 £45
MMR Priorix 1 £40
Rabies Rabipur 3 £95
Tick-borne Encephalitis TicoVac 3 £60
Typhoid Typhim Vi 1 £25
Yellow Fever Stamaril 1 £69

To learn more about our vaccinations, click the button below:

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Malaria Prophylaxis Price List

Stay protected from malaria with our affordable prophylaxis options.

Product Quantity per pack Price (per pack)
Malarone – Adult 12 £38
Generic Malarone 12 £26.40
Malarone – Paed 12 £12
Lariam 8 £25.60
Doxycycline 50 £25
Product Dosage Start Course Maintain Course Finish Course
Malarone Taken daily 2 days before travel Full length of trip 7 days after trip
Lariam Taken weekly 2 weeks before travel Full length of trip 4 weeks after trip
Doxycycline Taken daily 2 days before travel Full length of trip 4 weeks after trip

For more information on malaria and our price list, click the button below:

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Altitude Sickness Price List

Prepare for high-altitude travel with our effective treatment options for altitude sickness.

Product Quantity per pack Price (per pack) Start Course Maintain Course
Acetazolamide 250mg 10 £20 1-2 days before travel for 2 more days


Traveller diarrhoea Price List

Travellers’ diarrhoea (TD) is a common condition affecting travellers to areas with poor sanitation. Symptoms include abdominal cramps, nausea, and vomiting. Our treatment options help relieve symptoms and prevent dehydration.

Product Quantity per pack Price (per pack) Dosage Maintain Course
Ciprofloxacin 500mg 6 £20 every 12 hours 5 to 7 days
Xifaxanta 200mg 9 £35 every 8 hours 3 days maximum


Consultation Charge

If you purchase medication from us after your consultation, the consultation will be free of charge. If you consult with us but do not purchase treatment, there will be a £15 charge.


Book an Appointment

To book an appointment with Northfields Travel Clinic, use our convenient booking calendar:

